Monday 28 May 2012

Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) at a glance - Features that are not any more.
LTS version is out - a five year one! As compared to the previous versions, it is no doubt a  giant leap and invigorating for many - but for some, it has brought a sheer agony.

I don't have anything against the Unity interface. The new HUD, usage of Alt key, and privacy features makes the job a lot more easier; however, there are certain features which is not available any more, or you have to do lot of workaround to get this fixed. Apparently, I'm left with a bad taste in my mouth. 

With lot of reviews around about the new features added to the new version, I would like to keep a  succinct description, and highlight a few features that are not available any more - which lot many people loved it, including me.

  • Earlier, we were able to hear the song when we hovered the mouse pointer over an MP3 file. We never had to add the file to Rhythmbox or any other player. 
  • Users don't have the freedom to move the "Unity panel" to their desired location, ie, towards the right hand or bottom of the screen.
  • We had the option to customize the login screen. I'm not sure from which version this was disabled, but I still thought of mentioning it over here. After all Linux is all about freedom!
  • Users who had an account  in "" were able to mark the loved track in the "Rhythmbox" player itself and that would reflect on their account. This feature is not any more. Of course, some may blame Rhythmbox for it but, to a normal user, the music player is part of the OS and now it's not there.
  • The flash player has issues. I'm really surprised how can someone miss on this with 12.04 being an LTS version, . Some people are not able to enable/disable certain option on web pages that uses flash. Again, an ardent fan would blame "flash" for this.
  • When we play an Online video, the video was saved in the "temp" folder. Again, this was disabled long back, of course, flash has to be blamed.This was, however, a cool feature and lot many people loved it. 
  • There are more updates that requires us to restart the computer. One of the reason that got me into Linux was, the requirement to restart the computer as compared to windows was less - but now, seems like things are changing.
  • It has become more difficult now to work on multiple windows. Earlier, I would install Compiz and enable " Desktop Edge - Windows pick-up", this would help me to move the mouse pointer to the assigned edge and I could select any window of my choice.
  • Compiz has lot of issues, and I'm sure you would have already heard about it. 
All being said, I'm sure ardent fans would come up with their not surprising attitude - 'It's all about choice, if you like it, you can use it; or you can switch to another distro'. To be honest, I'm a Linux user too, but these features were some of the coolest features and made Ubuntu different when you compare it with Windows - at least to my friends.